Are you curious and passionate about old cultures ? A hike through the rainforest in the heart of Kalimantan Island invites you to enter an incredible environment to access the preserved lands of the Dayak ethnic group. Immersion guaranteed upon your arrival in a traditional village, where you will discover the daily life, customs, and beliefs of this people once famous for cutting the heads of its enemies. You will discover a lifestyle that is both simple and rich in total harmony with nature…
You will enjoy :
- A unique immersion in the heart of the primary forest to meet a Dayak village ;
- A participative dimension in the life and daily life of the community ;
- The selection of a local guide who will be pleased to introduce you to this environment, the daily life and the Dayak culture ;
- The proposal of an Eco Trip in collaboration with our local partner for the protection of the Dayaks ;
- The possibility of personalizing your stay to explore the island of Kalimantan.
« The best trip is the one we have not done yet »
Paul Valéry

Live with Dayaks, magical moments ….

Committed to an Eco Responsible approach, we propose an eco-participatory stay whose objective is to contribute to the protection of the Dayak people. The ancestral lands of Dayak are under increasing pressure – huge oil palm plantations, mining, timber industry – to the point that the Dayaks are seriously threatened by the destruction of their habitat, the primary forest. The Dayaks are the soul of the Kalimantan Forest as the saying goes « no Dayak without forest, no forest without Dayak »! Through this stay, you will participate in the daily life of a village Dayak in the middle of the forest.
Your trip will help to finance the actions of the Dayakology Institute, which helps indigenous people to defend their rights, particularly those of the rights to lands and natural resources, and to fight against the planting of oil palms and against the expansion of mines. Beyond the trip, you will leave a positive footprint !

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