Travel to Raja Ampat
Discover Raja Ampat, in Indonesia !
The Raja Ampat Archipelago « Four Kings » is a unique place located in the « Coral Triangle » which concentrates the richest coral diversity in the world. A dream destination for lovers of unspoiled nature consisting of sublime islands, secret beaches and mountains that plunge into the sea of Halmhera.
Raja Ampat stay, biodiversity reserve
The Raja Ampa Islands, located on the edge of West Papua, reveal a lush and abundant terrestrial nature that is home to beautiful species. A moment of escape: the flight of hornbills, parrots, birds of paradise, couscous, butterflies out of the ordinary, wild orchids, plants and trees of exaggerated proportions…
The Raja Ampat, the dream of a diver !
It is a dream destination for diving, whether you are an experienced diver or not, a simple snorkeling enthusiast, you will be amazed by a remarkable underwater biodiversity. Hundreds of species are present in a magical ballet: white tip sharks, black sharks, barracuda, hump parrotfish, turtles, groupers, majestic manta rays, and even some sperm whales…

Copyright photo – © Papua Diving Resorts
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